"We are very happy with the Patchliner for measuring CFTR activity and doing pharmacology."
"An amazingly versatile platform for all your electrophysiological needs. Our research focuses on understanding the pathology of ion channel disorders, using in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology to reveal opportunities for developing novel therapies. In particular, our research focuses on ion channel gene mutations that cause epilepsy. Patchliner has been an invaluable tool enabling us to examine ion channels both endogenously and exogenously expressed by a variety of different cell types, including mammalian cell lines as well as primary cells. The system allows us to examine the effects of different mutations and different compounds on the biophysical properties of a variety of ion channels, including sodium, potassium and calcium, to mention a few. Patchliner produces high fidelity, reproducible data which is very comparable to that produced using conventional techniques. It is easy to use and throughput is an attractive bonus. The systems temperature control is a really great"
"After years of working in neuropharmacology but far away from electrophysiology, we have had the opportunity to use the Patchliner. The patch liner is robust, reliable, and flexible. However, great equipment is nothing without support. We have received high-quality remote technical assistance that has solved all the small issues inherent to a new setup in a different lab and, most importantly, specific, high-quality scientific advice on which cells to use, what configuration to set up, experiment designs, and application notes, etc. A five stars team, because first of all, they are scientists and have a fair idea of what you need: electrophysiology without all the hassle."