1st NALCN workshop
When: 31.08. – 03.09.2023
Venue: Alicante, Spain.
Go to the Conference website here.
Meet Dr. Markus Rapedius
Join Dr. Markus Rapedius (Product Manager NPC-384 Chips) to learn more about our Automated Patch Clamp platforms that offers sophisticated solutions for ion channels study, drug discovery, assay development and more. Contact Markus to learn how Nanion can help you accelerate your research.
Nanion is proud sponsor of this conference.
Join Markus at the poster session
Poster: “High-Throughput Patch Clamp Electrophysiology: A Tool to Accelerate Research and Drug-Discovery also on NALCN?”
Date & time: TBD
Synopsis of the event
The goal of the first-ever workshop on NALCN is to bring together PATIENT FAMILIES, PHYSICIANS and RESEARCHERS to improve the lives of patients.
This workshop aims to cover all aspects of NALCN research, including involvement of patient families & physicians, and research highlighting in vivo studies, along with NALCN molecular structure and function. The event is related to the ERA-NET NEURON project RestoreLeak.
Lectures by NALCN experts & trainees and patient round table.