Customer Opinion –
Stefan Mergler
“Can you tell us a little about your research project. “
We have various projects in which we are researching TRP channels in connection with the development of possible therapies for eye diseases (including tumor diseases). Over the last 15 years, we were able to develop good approaches. One example is “dry eye disease” (DED), in which TRPV1 is activated via a hyperosmolar tear film and triggers the known symptoms. Over the years, we have found various approaches to suppress TRPV1 and thus also the inflammatory processes. We published an example of such a mechanism this year in IJMS (MDPI), in which the Port-a-Patch was also used (Supplement) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37511574/.
“Since when you have been using the Port-a-Patch? Who are the main users and what experience have you made with your interaction with Nanion?”
We’ve had Port-a-Patch since 2008 and I was the main user at the beginning. Since around 2015, my doctoral students and interns have been using it. The experience is mostly good, but it depends a lot on the quality and condition of the cells to be examined. Nanion has always supported us well with any repair work on the setup and with ordering chips.
“Which particular features of the Port-a-Patch accelerated your research and publications? “
The features of ease of use and measurement of TRP channels has accelerated our research and publications. Patch-clamp data is still (thankfully) highly valued and complements other measurement techniques very well (e.g. Ca2+ imaging).
“How do you plan to use the Port-a-Patch in the future?”
Of course, I would like to continue using the Port-a-Patch for research and teaching in the future. In a novel project, we intend to patch pathogens such as Toxoplasmodi gondii. We have already been successful with Neo Spora in pilot studies. The only limiting factor is financial. I give an extra lecture for students in Medical Neuroscience that deals exclusively with the planar patch-clamp technique. Unfortunately, many students are not so familiar with the planar patch-clamp technique. That’s why training is important.
Learn more about Stefan Mergler´s research here.