NSP-Z plate

The NSP-Z plate is a proprietary innovative product by Nanion Technologies, developed for the AtlaZ. It is produced and quality-assured partly by an external partner and partly in-house at Nanion headquarters and shipped from Munich to our international customers. NSP-Z plates come with transparent bottoms, allowing for further visual inspection or imaging assays.

Description and Material

  • Standard 96-well plate format
  • Working volume: 200 µl (surface 34 mm2)
  • Planar, bipolar circular gold electrodes
  • Transparent bottom

Available chip types

  • "NSP-Z AtlaZ Sensor Plates": Type standard  (Order # 20 3801)

How can we help you?

Contact our specialist Dr. Sonja Stölzle-Feix (Director Scientific Affairs and Product Manager of Cell analytics systems). Sonja is delighted to help you:

or call: +49 89 2190 95-075
or connect via LinkedIn