AtlaZ recording unit

The AtlaZ package includes a recording unit for electrical impedance spectroscopy measurements, designed to fit into standard cell culture incubators (not included with the system). The complete setup is equipped with a convertible laptop computer, recording and analysis software package.

AtlaZ control unit with status display

The unique AtlaZ control unit provides an interface for full control of AtlaZ recordings and a fast visual overview of actively recorded plates. Through its status display, AtlaZ control unit gives status information even when the laptop is in sleep mode.

Barcode scanner

AtlaZ barcode scanner enables the automated tracking of recording plates ensuring precise and error-free processing of experimental data. This automated workflow minimizes manual data entry and reduces the potential for human errors.

Automated multichannel pipetting for CardioExcyte 96, FLEXcyte 96 and AtlaZ (optional)

The AtlaZ package offers an optional Integra Viaflo Assist automated multichannel pipetting robot. Integra Viaflo Assist is a compact system, that provides reproducible 96-well plate handling of cells and compounds.

How can we help you?

Contact our specialist Dr. Sonja Stölzle-Feix (Director Scientific Affairs and Product Manager of Cell analytics systems). Sonja is delighted to help you:
or call: +49 89 2190 95-075
or connect via LinkedIn