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Orbit 16 TC

MECA 16 TC chips

The MECA 16 TC recording chips are produced, and quality-assured by our partner Ionera Technologies GmbH in Freiburg Germany and shipped from Munich to our international customers. Different types of MECA 16 chips will be available depending on the sample.

Description and Material

  • Array of 16 circular microcavities in highly inert polymer.
  • Each cavity contains an individual integrated Ag/AgCl-microelectrode.
  • Remote actuated painting (Ionera1-SPREAD).
  • Bilayers can be easily zapped and re-formed in an automated fashion.

Available chip types

  • "MECA 16 TC Recording Chips 100 µm": 16-well recording chip with 100 µm cavity size (Order # 131013)

How can we help you?

Contact our specialist Dr. Conrad Weichbrodt (Product Manager of the Orbit family). Conrad is delighted to help you:
or call: +49 89 2190 95-062
or connect via LinkedIn