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Orbit mini

Orbit mini EDR software

The Orbit mini comes with the Elements Data Reader (EDR) software developed by our partner Elements S.R.L. (Italy). This software interface enables an easy control of the 4-well recording chip, showing, and saving data in real time.

With the EDR software you can easily choose and modify settings for your recordings, such as input current ranges, bandwidth, voltage stimuli, and electrode offset. Parameters like Resistance, Capacitance and rms can be continuously monitored, and the data can be saved in .dat or .abf format.

A variety of online analysis can be done on live experiments, such as current histograms, FTT analysis, I/V plots, dwell time and inter-event time histograms.

Orbit mini analysis software

The Orbit mini uses the Elements Data Reader (EDA) which allows data visualization and analysis of the data acquired with the Elements instruments using the .dat or .abf file format.

EDA supported features are current histograms, current events detection, current spectrum (FFT), I/V plot, current step detection, filters. If you want to learn more about the EDA, you can visit their website here (EDR3 & EDA - Elements (

How can we help you?

Contact our specialist Dr. Conrad Weichbrodt (Product Manager of the Orbit family). Conrad is delighted to help you:
or call: +49 89 2190 95-062
or connect via LinkedIn