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Orbit mini

Orbit mini platform

The complete Orbit mini platform consists of the main recording unit with a built-in four channel amplifier (Elements s.r.l.), and an optional computer-controlled environmental control unit for active cooling and heating of the recording chamber. MECA 4 disposable recording chips are used for manual painting and recording of four artificial lipid bilayers in parallel.

Temperature Control Unit

The optional temperature control add-on for Orbit mini bilayer workstation allows for the convenient application and automated control of the temperature while performing bilayer experiments. The desired temperature can simply be defined via the Orbit mini's control software and is automatically kept constant thanks to various sensors inside the device. With the temperature control unit, temperatures on the chip can be varied in between 0°C to 50°C, as it contains an active cooling and active heating function. Automated temperature control throughout whole experiment, ensuring precisely controlled, constant temperatures, even during long-term experiments. Available temperature allows for experiments at physiological temperature, as well.

MECA 4 OPTO-INV (or Fluorescence Microscopy Kit)

The MECA 4 OPTO-technology enables simultaneous optical and electrical recordings in free standing artificial lipid bilayers. The MECA 4 OPTO-INV kit is comprised of an adapted Faraday shield for Nanion´s Orbit mini bilayer recording station and a tailor-made holder for Ionera´s MECA 4 OPTO-INV chips. The holder allows for the positioning of the recording chips over the objective of an inverse microscope while enabling the electrical connection between the chips and the amplifier inside the Orbit mini.

How can we help you?

Contact our specialist Dr. Conrad Weichbrodt (Product Manager of the Orbit family). Conrad is delighted to help you:
or call: +49 89 2190 95-062
or connect via LinkedIn