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Port-a-Patch mini

PatchControl mini software

PatchControl mini is a software programme written with the user in mind. Pre-written protocols can be loaded and altered, allowing the entire procedure for cell capture, sealing and obtaining the whole cell configuration to be completely automated. However, because we know that sometimes you just want to control things yourself, the protocols can be interrupted at any time and the suction controlled manually.

Through innovative communication with WinWCP electrophysiology software, PatchControl mini can read important parameters such as membrane resistance, whole cell capacitance and series resistance and moves through the pre-programmed steps accordingly. Parameters such as suction strength and duration, voltage and membrane criteria can be set and altered to obtain the optimum parameters for cells routinely used in your lab. Not only that, complex macros can be easily implemented, allowing everything from simple changes in gain to complex perfusion routines to be programmed and automatically performed.

The PatchControl mini software is there to make your patch clamp life easier, from automated cell capture to automated pressure control, the PatchControl mini software can do it all!

Electrophysiology data acquisition

The Port-a-Patch mini system comes with the WinWCP software pre-installed and configured. This is an easy-to-use electrophysiology data acquisition and analysis software. The software can be used to record in both voltage and current clamp modes in the whole cell configuration. Leak current can be subtracted from the recorded current and basic analysis functions can be chosen and curves fitted.

How can we help you?

Contact our specialist Dr. Patrick Mumm (Product Manager of the Port-a-Patch family). Patrick is delighted to help you:
or call: +49 89 2190 95-099
or connect via LinkedIn